Pop Culture Odds and Ends – May 23rd edition

Happy Wednesday! It’s time to take a quick tour of what’s going on in the world of pop culture and some updates:

  • Yesterday’s post on summer TV viewing has me excited to start on my various programs. And since it looks like the upcoming long weekend might be a bit of a washout, I might get my chance to start sooner rather than later.
  • GQ magazine sat down three of my favorite showrunners -Matthew Weiner (Mad Men), Vince Gilligan (Breaking Bad) and David Milch (Deadwood) – for a roundtable discussion on the future of television.
  • Zach Galifianakis is the latest comedian to be attached to a movie adaptation of the Pulitzer Prize-winning book A Confederacy of Dunces. Having read the book, I like this casting, but I’ll believe this when I see it; various people have tried to make this movie for the last 30 years. Great book – if you haven’t read it, I’d recommend it.
  • I finally got the chance to watch the Hannibal Buress special Animal Furnace last night and I really enjoyed it. He’s got great delivery and he can tell jokes about a wide variety of subjects. His bits on what a student newspaper wrote about his visit to campus as well as his perspective on charity walk-a-thons were particularly funny. I’ll definitely be looking for more from him in the future.
  • Though I still enjoy the show, I do think that watching Revenge week to week (rather than all at once) has taken the bloom off the rose a bit. There have been some lackluster episodes recently – that flashback episode was kind of a waste of time – but I am still very excited for tonight’s finale and how things are going to be set up for season two.
  • America has decided that they don’t want Taylor Kitsch to be a movie star. Unsurprisingly, Battleship tanked this weekend even if I didn’t think it was terrible.
  • They have released the first trailer for Baz Lurhmann’s Great Gatsby adaptation. I’m sure that Fitzgerald purists will hate it, but I’m actually looking forward to checking it out. I generally like Leonardo DiCaprio and have no real attachment to the original book, so I think I’ll be more openminded. The use of a Jay-Z/Kanye song in the trailer already has people all in a tizzy, but I’m far more concerned with the fact that this movie is supposedly in 3-D. Enough already.


  • I am oddly obsessed with the song “Hey Mama” by Mat Kearney. I’m been listening to it pretty much non-stop at work. It just makes me want to dance. My co-workers are probably relieved to get a break from Blunderbuss. I’m kind of stuck with music – any suggestions as to what I should be listening to?
  • I’m looking forward to catching the Hatfileds and McCoys miniseries on the History Channel next week. I’ve seen plenty of trailers for it when I’ve been at the cinema and it looks promising with Kevin Costner and Bill Paxton in the leads. The History Channel has generally fallen out of my favor with its recent programming choices – seriously, UFO Hunters? – but I’m willing to take my chances on this. Debuts Monday May 28th.
  • The Lost finale aired two years ago today and I’m still trying to figure out what I thought about it. I definitely in the “it was unsatisfying” camp, but I’m still unsure exactly how unsatisfying it was.
  • Ugh – my Yankees are in 4th place in the division. Not good. But I did have an absolutely fabulous night at the Stadium on Friday. I got to see my beloved Andy Pettitte pitch a gem of a game in his second start back AND I made it on TV several times (I’m in the blurry person in white in the front right). Good times.


  • They are trying to bring back Alf. The eight year old me is very excited by this. When I was in second grade, I heard an (incorrect) rumor that Alf was going to be cancelled and I organized a petition to stop this from happening.  Who knows where I heard this info – there was no internet after all – but looking back I find it hilarious that I was so upset about this that I got all political. I apparently did in fact love TV from the womb.

I’m still working on my posts for the rest of the week, but expect a Men in Black 3 review for Friday. As always, thanks so much for reading!

2 thoughts on “Pop Culture Odds and Ends – May 23rd edition

  1. Alex says:

    I thought the Gatsby trailer looked cool as hell and I would consider myself a lit. purist. Do these people lack imagination? I didnt even see anything historically inaccurate. People get worked up over the smallest things.

    • heather7180 says:

      I’m not really sure what everyone is so riled up about either, but most of the opinions I’ve seen about the trailer have been negative (though kind of vague in their negativity). Other than the idea that it’s in 3-D, which I just think is unnecessary, I think it could be a lot of fun. But I thought the book was no great shakes so what do I know.

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