TV Status Report

The Fall 2013 TV landscape has changed quite a bit in the last few days. The major networks have announced the fates of many shows, with a barrage of cancellations and renewals coming in Friday night. What is the fate of your favorite shows? Below is an shapshot of what shows will be back and which shows have been shipped off to the great television screen in the sky (or possibly finding new life on another network).


Happy Endings (ABC) *sob* – could move to the USA network, which means I need to find the USA network on my cable system

Southland (TNT)

Go On (NBC)

Red Widow (ABC)

Smash (NBC)

The New Normal (NBC)

How To Live With Your Parents (ABC)

Body of Proof (ABC)

Malibu Country (ABC)

CSI:NY (CBS) – that’s the one with Gary Sinise

Rules of Engagement (CBS)

Vegas (CBS)

Golden Boy (CBS) – I had never even heard of this show, but I can only imagine it was about Jerry Seinfeld’s t-shirt (actually I probably would have watched that)

Monday Mornings (TNT)

Guys with Kids (NBC) – you can’t win them all, Jimmy Fallon

Up All Night (NBC) – a mercy killing

Whitney (NBC)

Family Tools (ABC)

Touch (Fox)

1600 Penn (NBC)

Deception (NBC)

90210 (CW) – I honestly had no idea this was still on

Cult (CW)

30 Rock (NBC)

The Office (NBC)

Rock Center (NBC)

Ben and Kate (Fox)

Don’t Trust the B in Apartment 23 (ABC)

Do No Harm (NBC)

Zero Hour (ABC)

America’s Most Wanted (Lifetime)

Cops (Fox) – headed to Spike TV

Last Resort (ABC)

666 Park Avenue (ABC)

The Job (CBS)

Made in Jersey (CBS)

Gossip Girl (CW)

Emily Owens, M.D. (CW)

The Mob Doctor (Fox)

Ready for Love (NBC)


Community (NBC) – moving closer to #sixseasonsandamovie

Parks and Recreation (NBC)

Modern Family (ABC) – a no brainer

The Middle (ABC)

Suburgatory (ABC)

Nashville (ABC)

Last Man Standing (ABC)

Castle (ABC)

Glee (Fox)

The Neighbors (ABC)

Once Upon a Time (ABC)

Revenge (ABC) – with a new showrunner (and hopefully less Declan, Charlotte and Aiden)

Scandal (ABC)

Two and a Half Men (CBS)

2 Broke Girls (CBS)

Amazing Race (CBS)

The Big Bang Theory (CBS)

Blue Bloods (CBS)

Criminal Minds (CBS)

Elementary (CBS)


The Good Wife (CBS)

Hawaii Five-O (CBS)

How I Met Your Mother (CBS)

The Mentalist (CBS)

Mike & Molly (CBS)


NCIS: Los Angeles (CBS)

Person of Interest (CBS)

Survivor (CBS)

Undercover Boss (CBS)

American Dad (Fox)

Bob’s Burgers (Fox)

Bones (Fox)

Family Guy (Fox)

The Following (Fox)

The Mindy Project (Fox)

New Girl (Fox)

Raising Hope (Fox)

The Simpsons (Fox)

The X-Factor (Fox)

Chicago Fire (NBC)

Grimm (NBC)

Law & Order: SVU (NBC)

Parenthood (NBC) – hopefully Ray Romano will return

Revolution (NBC)

The Voice (NBC)

Arrow (CW)

Beauty and the Beast (CW)

The Carrie Diaries (CW)

Heart of Dixie (CW)

Nikita (CW)

Supernatural (CW)

The Vampire Diaries (CW) – though the real-life relationship between co-stars Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev has been cancelled

48 Hours (CBS)

America’s Next Top Model (CW)

Hell’s Kitchen (Fox)

Hotel Hell (Fox)

Kitchen Nightmares (Fox)

Master Chef (Fox)

Celebrity Apprentice (NBC) – too bad; I was hoping this one would die

That’s a fair amount of carnage; to make up for all the empty slots in their schedules, the networks have ordered over 40 new shows. It’s still early and a lot can change, but TV Line examines what of these new shows may look like. At first glance, I’m particularly interested in Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Dracula, Gang Related, Intelligence (for Josh Holloway, I will watch CBS), Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., The Michael J. Fox Show, The Millers and The Originals.

Don’t see your favorite show listed above? Let me know and I’ll see what I can find out for you. Between the shows that I watched that ended their run and the shows that I am quitting, I may actually have something of a manageable fall viewing schedule (though “manageable” is probably in the eye of the beholder). Now the real mystery is when all these shows will be scheduled; hopefully there won’t be too many timeslot face-offs to deal with.

What new show are you most excited for? Are you upset or disappointed by any of the cancellations? Sound off in the comments below. Fall TV will be here before you know it!

Pop Culture Odds and Ends – Community is BACK edition

Today is finally the day! After several missed starts and anxiety, Community will finally return to the NBC schedule. Winter storm Nemo had derailed my weekend plans, but knowing I’ll be soon reunited with the folks at Greendale Community College is helping to cheer me up. This is probably the beginning of the end, as I have no illusions that the show will get a fifth season, but even if these are the last episodes of Community that are ever produced I plan to watch the hell out of them. I just hope the new showrunners don’t screw the series up. Fingers crossed.

While I count down the hours until 8 pm tonight (assuming NBC doesn’t change their minds again – there’s still time), here are is a roundup of pop culture stories that you may have missed:

  • To help get you pumped, here’s a trailer for season 4 of Community:


  • Watch Tiffani Amber Thiessen look extremely uncomfortable when she was surprised by a mini Saved by the Bell reunion on the Today show:


  • This made me happy for some unknown reason: Adam Brody (Seth Cohen from The O.C.) is rumored to be dating Leighton Meester (Gossip Girl’s Blair Waldorf).
  • Justin Timberlake debuted two new songs at a Super Bowl Party:


He has released the track list and album art for The 20/20 Experience, which will be released on March 19th.

  • A new Bridget Jones book will be released in November. Can’t say I’m excited for this; I liked the first book just fine, but the later installment was not great.
  • George R.R. Martin has signed a deal with HBO to remain co-executive producer on Game of Thrones while also developing other projects. Good for him, but shouldn’t he be working on finishing the books?
  • It was announced yesterday that the USPS will stop Saturday delivery in August. My first reaction to this was outrage that it will slow down my Netflix delivery.
  • Robin Roberts will return to Good Morning America on February 20th. Don’t watch the show, but that is great news.
  • Downton Sixbey made its return to Late Night Jimmy Fallon this week:

Episode 3


Episode 4


  • Not to be left out, Sesame Street also did a Downton parody:
  • Tim Hortons made “The Priestley,” inspired by a joke on this week’s episode of How I Met Your Mother.
  • Speaking of HIMYM, the people behind the show are teasing a “new storytelling approach” for the final season. Not enough to lure me back in, but mixing things up wouldn’t be the worst idea.
  • The actor who played Ethan Rayne on Buffy the Vampire Slayer has passed away.
  • Chris Pratt (Andy on Parks and Recreation) has landed the lead in Guardians of the Galaxy.
  • Amazon Instant is now available to stream on your Wii. Register by February 28th and you’ll receive a $5 video credit.
  • I’m a sucker for bluegrass, so this remix of Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre’s “Last Episode” made me smile:


  • McSweeney’s has a new feature of rejected joke lists from the Bob’s Burgers writing room.
  • Who knew so many people were hit by buses? Check out this supercut:


  • Johnny Deep will play crime boss Whitey Bulger.
  • Wait, there is not one, but TWO “celebrity” diving shows? Is the market really demanding this?
  • The Red Hot Chili Peppers have released a new song:


  • Judd Apatow is considering a spin-off of This is 40 that focuses on the kids in the film, who also happen to be his kids in real life. I was not a fan of This is 40, but I thought his kids were actually the best part.
  • Tumblr of the week: Les Mean Girls (a Les Miserables/Mean Girls mashup)
  • See Al Pacino as Phil Spector in this trailer for the upcoming HBO film, airing March 24:


  • Guillermo Del Toro and the author of Beasts of the Southern Wild are teaming up for a film of one of my other favorite children’s books, The Secret Garden.
  • Jeopardy! made a “Call Me, Maybe Joke.”
from the NPR Music Tumblr

from the NPR Music Tumblr

  • Fall Out Boy have reunited. To be honest, I didn’t even know that they had broken up.
  • It’s only the beginning of February, but I’m already calling Pacific Rim as being the Battleship of 2013.

I will absolutely see this, however, because it stars Idris Elba and Charlie Hunnam, two gentleman I am particularly fond of.

  • And finally, in honor of The Walking Dead returning on Sunday, the opening credits redone as a 80s sitcom:

NBC Sneak Peek – Go On and Animal Practice

NBC is a network that is in trouble. The home of “must see TV” has become the brunt of jokes about how to mismanage a network. They are currently on my “list” from their (poor) handling of the Jay Leno/Conan O’Brien situation, their failure to adequately promote Friday Night Lights when it was on the air (like maybe run a promo or two during football?) and for their apparent lack of support of some of my favorite comedies (Community and Parks and Recreation). If it weren’t for Sunday Night Football and some special events (like The Olympics), the network would be in last place.

In an attempt to keep some of the viewers that The Olympic attracted, NBC decided to premiere two of their new comedies during the Games: Go On and Animal Practice. Unfortunately for the network, the may have squandered the positivity that they had built up from The Olympics when they decided to cut away from the closing ceremonies – and performances by The Who and Muse – to air Animal Practice. Viewers were not pleased and the show may suffer from the negative association. Not a great first impression.

I, of course, was not falling for NBC’s shenanigans; I love television, but they weren’t going to trick me into tuning into The Olympics to check out the new shows, especially after my public proclamation about how I feel about the Games. Experience has taught me that the shows would be streaming on Hulu (which is turning out to be a good investment) the day after the shows premiered. So I was able to check out both programs without being a hypocrite.

Go On has received a lot of promotion on the network as it marks the return of Matthew Perry to the peacock. Perry, of course, was 1/6 of one of NBC’s biggest hits (Friends) and you get the feeling that they are hoping that he can help them recapture some of their former glory. So, you know, no pressure Matthew. In Go On, Perry plays recently widowed sports radio personality Ryan King who is forced by his employer to go to group counseling before returning to work. Ryan insists that he is fine and is dubious as to what counseling can do for him. Once in group, he meets an oddball assortment of characters, all dealing with a “life change,” and their eager but somewhat under qualified group leader.

As I’ve said in the past, comedy pilots are notoriously hard to judge. They are not always indicative of the show that the series will become and plenty of amazing comedies have had less than amazing pilots. So you kind of have to take the pilot with a grain of salt and see it as possibly the first step in an evolution. If I generally like a pilot, or if I see a kernel of something I may like, I’m willing to give the show a few episodes to see if it can find its voice. Sometimes I just know that a show isn’t for me and most of the time that instinct is right. But Parks and Recreation took six episodes to fine tune itself and become the show that I now know and love; I had initially written the show off and had to be coaxed into giving it another shot. This is not an exact science.

That being said, I really enjoyed the pilot for Go On. I’m not sure what the show will evolve into, but I’m willing to follow it for a while and see where it takes me.

I have enormous amount of goodwill toward Matthew Perry; I was a big fan of Friends while I was in college and Chandler Bing was my absolute favorite character (though, of course, like the rest of America, I am happy that Jennifer Aniston has finally found love. That was a dark time for this country. I’m glad we all pulled through.) Perry was also the only bright spot on the otherwise pretty abysmal Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. I even kind of enjoyed his very short lived sitcom Mr. Sunshine on ABC. So I’m definitely rooting for his general success. I just think he is a really funny guy. If you’re reading this, Matthew, let’s hang out.

I do think, however, that I can be objective despite my fondness for Mr. Perry. And while Go On isn’t perfect, I think it holds a lot of promise. The supporting cast seems to have created a fun group of characters for Perry to interact with and play straight man to. Though the pilot is only 22 minutes, the writers and actors managed to create characters that left an impression and that I am interested to learn more about. I look forward to spending more time with these people. Perry is also not doing “Chandler Bing 2.0” on this show; I don’t think I thought about his Friends character once during the pilot, which is definitely a positive. As much as I enjoyed that character, I don’t necessarily want to see it again with a different group of friends.

Of course, the most important factor of a comedy is whether is made me laugh and Go On made me giggle more than I expected. There is a particularly funny segment (featured in the commercials, but expanded in the episode) where Perry makes the group members compete in a bracket style tournament to see who in fact has the saddest story of them all. Those five minutes was comedy gold and probably the strongest part of the episode, as well as a quick way to establish who these characters are. Because of my love of college basketball, I rarely find bracket based humor not funny; “The Bracket” episode of How I Met Your Mother is one of my all-time favorites for that show. The scene in Go On is single handedly what convinced me to give the show a temporary slot on my DVR. If they can keep that level of humor up, I’m all in.

I do have some reservations about Go On. I’m hoping that tonally they will be able to maintain the balance of the pilot when dealing with the humor of people who are grieving. It’s a tricky tightrope to walk; you don’t want the show to become too sad, but you also don’t want to seem to be making fun of those that are in a bad situation either. I think it can be done, but it is a concern going forward. I also hope that the eccentric characters that make up the group do not just become caricatures. It’s fine that some of these people are clearly weird, but overall they need to have more to them than just their quirks.

My biggest concern is that I’m sure at some point Ryan and the therapist are going to wind up dating. This is a network sitcom and “will they or won’t they” romantic tension is kind of par for the course. At this point, I’m not too onboard with the idea. This may change as the characters are developed, but I hope that if and when it does happen, it is organic. After all, Ryan is in therapy after losing the love of his life. Even in television, there should be some sort of grace period. Hopefully they won’t rush the relationship that inevitably will develop.

If I was predisposed to like Go On because of Matthew Perry, I was predisposed to not like Animal Practice because it prominently features a monkey. Don’t get me wrong – monkeys can be very funny – but their presence doesn’t exactly lead you to expect a quality project. Monkeys and sophisticated humor are not usually bedfellows.

While I didn’t love or even really like Animal Practice, I have to say that it was better than I would have anticipated. I don’t think I’ll be tuning in regularly, but I was almost a little disappointed that it wasn’t the train wreck that I expected. It’s much more fun to write a review when I hate something.

The premise behind Animal Practice is kind of ridiculous: Justin Kirk (Andy from Weeds) stars as veterinarian George Coleman, a man who uses what he has learned about animal behavior to try and pick up women. His best friend is the monkey “Dr.” Rizzo and he is surrounded by an offbeat staff. His freewheeling style of running the animal hospital is challenged when ownership of the hospital is inherited by his former (an inevitably future) flame Dorothy (JoAnna Garcia Swisher). Can they coexist in the same office? (Of course they can, or it would be a very short season.)

The writing and plot aren’t stellar, but I have to say I was surprised that I did laugh a few times. The comedy comes primarily from the supporting cast who I am far more interested in than the two leads. I though vet tech Angela has some particularly funny lines. Justin Kirk is fine, but his is limited by the character and the dialogue. He might be able to overcome this with a stronger lead actress, but as much as it pains me to critique a member of the Yankee family (JoAnna is the bride of Yankee outfielder – and frequent blog topic – Nick Swisher), Garcia Swisher is not up to the task. She’s not terrible, but she has a limited range and I didn’t buy their chemistry. She is hardly the worst thing about the pilot, but she’s not helping either. That sound you just heard was my Yankee playoff tickets disappearing.

I have to say that the part of the pilot that I most enjoyed was in fact the monkey Rizzo, which isn’t necessarily unsurprising as this particular monkey has a pretty solid comedy pedigree. Crystal the monkey has appeared in The Hangover Part II, We Bought a Zoo, Night at the Museum and a guest spot on Community. She is also getting quite the paycheck as Crystal receives $12,000 per episode. I’ll pause to let that sink in. The monkey is making more money a year than I am.

Rizzo is not the focal point of the pilot, though he is featured throughout, and I am curious how much they are going to lean on the monkey for laughs. I think there are only so many times you can go to that particular well, though I’d probably be more likely to tune in again if the show was a show about Kirk and Crystal. Or just Crystal. Like I said, the monkey is pretty funny.

NBC’s strategy may have worked, as I don’t know if I would have checked out either show if they debuted during the traditional fall schedule. While I didn’t see enough in Animal Practice to make me come back for more, I was charmed by Go On and will be sticking with it for a while. A 50% success rate is better than NBC has done in a while.

New episodes of Go On begin on Tuesday September 11th at 9 pm. New episodes of Animal Practice debut on Wednesday September 26th at 8 pm. The pilots of both shows are available on Hulu and