Pop Culture Odds and Ends – Short Week Edition

I hope that everyone had an enjoyable Memorial Day weekend; I am a big fan of any holiday that results in me having a short work week. This has been a good week for me not only because of the bonus day off, but because this week is the lull when a lot of shows have ended and summer series haven’t begun yet. The Tonight Show, The Daily Show and The Colbert Report are all in re-runs this week as well, so I have a legitimate chance at catching up on programs that I’ve fallen behind on and cleaning out the old DVR. I really need the chance to get current on some programs – I have the entire second season of The Americans waiting for me to devour and I just caught up on Mad Men over the weekend, in time for the mid-eason finale.. I guess an alternative would be to watch less television in general, but that sounds like kooky talk to me. Who wants to live like that? I am, however, a little concerned about the withdrawal symptoms that I am exhibiting after no new episode of Game of Thrones this week. It is quite possible that I have developed an unhealthy attachment to that show.

I’m still beta testing the pop culture roundup as a weekly feature; so far the limited feedback that I’ve received (thanks Ang!) has been positive and I’m digging it so far, so I think this will stick. So while I relish all my brief freedom from being a slave to television programming, check out what’s been going on the last week in the world of pop.



  • Seth Rogen and Snoop Dogg got high and recapped Game of Thrones (spoilers, obvs):



  • What does Morgan Freeman sound like after inhaling helium?


  • The New York Post wrote perhaps the greatest wedding announcement:



  • I did less well on this quiz on Drew Barrymore’s dating life on-screen and off.
  • The kids at the University of Delaware recreated the Friends intro:


  • More celebrity commencement speeches: Jim Carrey and Ed Helms (the latter at Cornell, naturally).
  • Congratulations to Happy Ending’s Casey Wilson, who got married Memorial Day weekend



John Mayer covers Beyoncé:


Time for some trailers…..

  • Disney’s Big Hero 6:


  • The first trailer for Life Itself, the documentary about Roger Ebert:


  • A trailer for a new season of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. I need to catch up!


  • Roman Polanski’s adaptation of the play Venus in Fur:


  • River Phoenix in Dark Blood:


  • Kristen Stewart in Clouds of Sils Maria:


  • The Cannes Film Festival winner, Winter Sleep:


  • Denzel Washington in The Equalizer:


  • Here’s the cover of Amy Poehler’s new book:



As always, we end with the supercuts and mashups:

  • This week – the previous roles of the actors on Mad Men:




  • The 40-Year-Old Virgin, re-cut as a psychological horror film:




  • MTV CribsStar Wars edition:


  • The Smashmouth Redemption:


  • Beyoncé meet Godzilla in the parody trailer:


  • Halo and Minecraft, mashed up together:


  • System of a Down and Elton John go surprisingly well together:


  • H Jon Benjamin voices HAL in 2001: A Space Odyssey:


  • Disney villains get their own musical:




  • Hannibal re-cut as a cooking show:


  • And finally….Game of Thrones meets Perfect Strangers:

Pop Culture Odds and Ends – I’m Back, Baby edition

I couldn’t think of any better way to bring the blog back from its brief hiatus than with everyone’s favorite post, the bi-weekly pop culture roundup. Pop culture stops for no man (or woman) and stories kept rolling out even while I was away, so this post is as much for me as it is for you. So while we all play catch up, enjoy this barrage of links to stories that you might have missed:

  • You people are failing me when it comes to Happy Endings. Shame on you.
  • Kids retell Star Wars in their own words:


  • This might be a reason to have a baby – White Stripes songs have been turned into an album of lullabies (just kidding, Mom. Probably).
  • The History Channel’s The Bible miniseries is already out on DVD.

happy dance

  • Dang – I missed out on the auction for Tupac’s fedora from the “California Love” video. I look excellent in hats.
  • Listen to a new song from John Legend and Rick Ross.
  • Crackle is now streaming episodes of The Shield for free. Definitely a show to check out if you haven’t seen it. It is where I first discovered the awesomeness that is Walton Goggins.
  • Jimmy Fallon and Jay Leno addressed The Tonight Show succession rumors:

Jimmy, my friend, some unsolicited advice: stop palling around with Leno. He cannot be trusted.

  • The Hollywood Reporter says that Fallon has signed a deal to take over The Tonight Show. Seth Meyers is the frontrunner to take over Fallon’s 12:30 time slot.
  • Steve Buscemi will direct a live Vampire Weekend webcast.
  • Not sure how I feel about this: Amy Poehler is rumored to be dating fellow comedian (and occasional Parks and Recreation guest star) Nick Kroll. Love them both, but I’m still not over her split with Will Arnett.
  • This seems like a waste of perfectly good Easter candy:


  • Glee star Cory Monteith has checked into rehab and will miss some episodes of season 4, currently in production.
  • Springsteen has brought someone on stage to sing “Waiting on a Sunny Day” at every show I have been to, but I’ve never seen him do this before:

Lucky kid – and this only makes me love the Boss more.

  • The collected wisdom of Duck Dynasty’s Uncle Si. I don’t watch the show – should I check it out?
  • OK – this kind of freaked me out – celebrities that are unbelievably the same age. The Taylor Swift/Adele thing always kills me.
  • There is adorable and then there is Joseph Gordon-Levitt on Jeopardy! in 1997:


  • Cher’s mom is getting a Lifetime movie. It has got to be better than Liz & Dick and the recent Romeo Killer: The Chris Porco Story (based on a murder one town over from where I live).
  • Based on the success of the Veronica Mars kickstarter, Funny or Die has some 90s TV shows that they think should get the movie treatment.
  • Queens of the Stone Age debuted a new song at Lollapalooza Brazil, the band’s first in six years.
  • I have discovered yet another website that specialized in pop culture inspired art. I really think this print would tie my living room together.
  • Tublr of the week: Mean Mad Men (Mad Men/Mean Girls mashup). Totally fetch.


  • Thanks to a new website, I can listen to many of the Phish concerts that I attended for free.
  • The creator of the 90s Nickelodeon show Clarissa Explains It All has brought the character back as an adult in a new book.
  • Adios TV Guide Network.
  • Watch the cast of The Big Bang Theory do a number from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Sheldon Cooper in drag is unsettling.
  • Bronson Pinchot hijacks a weather cast on a local news cast. I have no words:


  • Actor Richard Griffiths, who played Harry Potter’s Uncle Vernon (among other things) passed away last week.
  • Are Walking Dead and Toy Story the same?
  • The CW has released the first images of their new The Vampire Diaries spin-off pilot, The Originals.
  • Ron Howard will appear as himself on an upcoming episode of Arrested Development. He is also the show’s narrator.
  • I enjoy this collection of GIFs of Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead sneaking up on people. He is one stealth dude.

And now, some supercuts and mashups:

  • People running in movies:


  • I’m glad I didn’t watch this before I flew Southwest last week.
  • All of Woody Allen’s stammers:


  • Bill & Ted & Lincoln’s Excellent Adventure:


  • And finally, spliced together like this, Fraggle Rock was pretty deep (and a little depressing):