The Return of Tebowie

Today = crazy bananas for me, but I couldn’t let the day pass without mentioning the reemergence of Tebowie to Late Night with Jimmy Fallon last night. Thanks to the triple overtime Stanley Cup game, my DVR recording of the episode was all thrown off. Stupid hockey 🙂  Some year I will actually start watching hockey again; I liked it when I watched (and actually grew up getting dragged to going to hockey games) but I need to be prompted to watch by someone else.  History has shown that I won’t do it on my own, which means I guess I have to start dating a hockey fan (I’m OK with that – hockey fans seem like good people).

I have a fondness in my heart for Tebowie, as this character was one of the reasons I decided to give Fallon’s late night show another chance after his rocky start. I saw a clip of it and thought it was so original, clever and clearly played to Fallon’s strengths with music. Tebowie indirectly led to my rediscovering of one of my favorite shows on TV, so anytime he makes a repeat appearance I am happy.

I wondered how long it would take for Fallon to dust off Tebowie once it was announced that Tim Tebow had signed with the Patriots. As a Bills fan, I was just glad that Tebow didn’t come to Buffalo as I feared that he brings too much hoopla and would pose a distraction. The Bills have enough problems; they don’t need a media circus that trails in Tebow’s wake. I am pretty happy that he has remained in the AFC East, as the Bills have had good luck when facing Tebow in the past; they handed Denver one of their few losses in 2011. Plus it will be nice to have something to watch within the division once the Bills are inevitably knocked out of playoff contention sometime in November.

So while I sit in on 250 meetings and conference calls today, enjoy the triumphant return of Tebowie:


Pop Culture Odds and Ends– Lots of videos edition

Happy Wednesday! The sun is actually shining today, which gives me hope that the rain is behind us for a while. I was so over the dreariness. The good news about all the rain is that it gave me plenty of time to hole up and surf the web in search of pop culture stories to share with you, my dear readers. I found more videos of interest than usual, so this week is more audio/visual heavy than usual. Why read when you can just click a button and watch? Enjoy your biweekly roundup of all things pop!

  • The Dumb and Dumber sequel that would reunite Jim Carey and Jeff Daniels has been dropped by Warner Brothers. Directors Peter and Bobby Farrelly are shopping the project to other companies. Countdown until the inevitable Kickstarter?
  • Congrats to Kate Winslet on her pregnancy. This will be her third child, her first with new husband Ned Rocknroll (still the best name ever).
  • Johnny Depp is FIFTY! How the f*&k did that happen?
  • A new trailer has been released for the next Hobbit movie:


  • Also recently released – a trailer for the newest Woody Allen movie Blue Jasmine. Look – It’s Louis CK!


  • Happy belated birthday to the wonderful Peter Dinklage. He turned 44 yesterday. I could watch this scene of him slapping Joffrey all day long.


  • That was quick – after a solid opening weekend, The Purge is getting a sequel.
  • The guy who plays Hodor (Hodor!) on Game of Thrones is also a DJ.
  • What’s that you say? Baseball and boy bands? You have my attention.


  • Laraine Newman and company nail this Girls parody:


  • MTV promises to be all about music for TWELVE WHOLE HOURS  on July 4th.
  • Pizza Hut Canda has unveiled a Cheesy Beef Poutine Pizza. That is reason alone for a visit to our neighbors to the North. FYI – I tried the Glazed Donut Breakfast Sandwich from Dunkin Donuts; it’s not amazing, but it was better than I expected. Don’t judge me.
  • Bob Saget couldn’t help but stop by a familiar location while on a trip to San Francisco


  • True Blood returns for its 6th season on Sunday. Here’s to hoping that it’s better than last season; as you may recall, I was not too impressed.


  • The new season of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee drops tomorrow at noon:


I didn’t watch the Tonys – Game of Thrones and Mad Men own my Sunday nights – but looks like I missed a hell of a show.


Note to Seth MacFarlane – THAT is how you host an awards show. Full slate of winners (and the shows that are now impossible to get tickets to) can be found here.

  • Attention all Juggalos – Insane Clown Posse is getting their own show. I’ll admit – the episode of their webseries that I saw was kind of amusing.
  • The band Portugal. The Man scored some familiar faces (if you are a It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia fan) for their newest short:


  • Speaking of It’s Always Sunny – if you ever wondered what the guys were saying backwards in the end credits each season, wonder no more:


  • I love these covers of songs from Bob’s Burgers. This one is by The Magnetic Fields’ Stephin Merritt and it’s great.
  • Looks like I’m planning a trip to DC this fall – An Anchorman exhibit opens at the Newsuem in November.
  • Warner Brothers gave up their rights to Friday the 13th and South Park for a piece of the new Christopher Nolan movie.
  • Samuel L. Jackson reads the iconic “I am the one that knocks” monologue from Breaking Bad. My head just exploded.


  • This is kind of cool: Daft Punk’s “Get Lucky” reimagined in different musical styles through the decades:


  • One thing Kanye ain’t lacking is confidence, as evidenced by this New York Times article with the self-proclaimed “visionary.” The most ridiculous quotes are here.
  • The Hollywood Reporter spoke with Scott Thorson (Liberace’s Ex) about HBO’s Behind the Candelabra (a must see – Michael Douglas and Matt Damon are fantastic and you have to see Rob Lowe to believe it).
  • If you missed it, Google had a wonderful Google Doodle earlier this week honoring the late great Maurice Sendak:


  • Look for Alvin and the Chipmunks 4 in 2015. Shows how much I know – I didn’t even know that there had already been 3 movies.
  • Holliday Grainger (The Borgias) has joined the cast of the live action reimagined Cinderella.
  • While waiting for a Green Day concert to start, an Bohemian Rhapsody sing-a-long broke out:


  • A Christmas Story, the Musical returns to New York this holiday season (but not on Broadway).
  • Singer Jon Marco isn’t famous, but he’s trying to make a name for himself with a video that features recreations of several 80s movies. Not so sure about the song, but I’ll give him points for creativity.


As always, we end with the mashups and supercuts:

  • I refuse to tire of these Daft Punk mashups. This one is with moments from the Bill and Ted’s franchise:


  • Sex and the City debuted 15 years ago last week. To celebrate, here is a mashup of all the guest stars on the show (I remember almost none of them).
  • Spoilers abound in this Princess Bride/Game of Thrones mashup, so proceed with caution:


  • Mad Men reacts to the Red Wedding on Game of Thrones (SPOILERS – but seriously – that episode was almost two weeks ago. Catch up already)


  • A supercut of all the fake websites on Arrested Development:


  • A mashup of animals who can’t handle mirrors:


And finally, these supercuts of NBC’s Brian Williams make me giggle uncontrollably. Damn you Fallon – you’ve done it again:

  • Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg’s “Nuthin’ but a ‘G’ Thang”


  • Warren G’s “Regulate:”


  • The pièce de rĂ©sistance– NWA’s “Straight Outta Compton”


Have a great day!